♥ Wednesday, May 28, 2008♥

Dear OBF ,,

Those hu are inside de FAM already i will kik some .. pls dun misunderstand anything i just wnan to make space for more ppl to donate to out guild =DD and so far those who join nvr donate =X so i gonna kik le psps TT and i hav observe a lot of guild blogs le .. we are way behind time we are like cave ppl =X TESTERS PLS HELP OBF and i really need ppl to help me to edit the blog although i holiday i really dun hav much time .. OBF pls do me a favour .


OBF RawK uR worlD

♥ Tuesday, May 20, 2008♥

Hey ppl~

Wann T0 be admin mahs? .. u can edit the blog,change the cursor,change the skin .. and many more XD .. if wann pls taG ~


OBF RawK uR worlD

♥ Sunday, May 18, 2008♥

Dear OBF members ,

Our Rankings::

Rankings: Leaders : King / Queens
Head of Testers : Prince of testers / Princess of testers
Testers : Prince / Princess
Administrator : Generals
Members : Baby boi / Baby gal



OBF RawK uR worlD